ArchersApp Logo

ArchersApp is a new social network designed for archers. Think of it like a dedicated Facebook style network designed specifically for the archery community.

So what does ArchersApp offer?

  • Connect with archery friends, invite friends etc
  • Activity wall – Post updates, photos, videos etc – anything you want
  • Classifieds – Buy and sell archery equipment – browse or create a classified, add photos and location. Your classified won’t be rejected and pulled down like in Facebook.
  • Events – Browse events or Create events for your archery club shop or business.
  • Forum – Create or browse forum posts – Enter in to discussions on any archery related topic
  • Videos – Add or simply browse and watch archery videos.
  • Groups – Create a group for your archery club, or business. Groups can be public or private.

The website looks and feels just like Facebook.

ArchersApp Homepage

ArchersApp can be accessed via a PC – Image above shows the Memebers page on a PC.

The site also has been designed with a Progressive Web App version for smartphones. The Image below shows the Members home page on a smartphone.

Member Homepage on Smartphone

ArchersApp Smartphone

Video Search on Smartphone

ArchersApp Video Search

Classifieds on Smartphone

ArchersApp Classifieds

ArchersApp is a non-profit application which is totally free to the user.

On sign up only basic information is taken to help with the running of the website:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Gender
  • Bow Type
  • Birthday: Not shown to Admins or users – Taken just so people can say happy birthday

How to join

Joining on a PC or Tablet:

Go to

Click the ‘Join Us’ Icon and follow the instructions. Alternatively, you can join using your existing Facebook login – Click the ‘FB login’ icon and follow the instructions.

When the Enable Notifications pops up select yes so you receive notifications when people comment on your posts etc.

Joining on your smartphone:

Go to

The Progressive Web App version of the website will be displayed on your phone.

Click the Create New Account Icon and follow the instructions.

Alternatively click the Facebook icon to log in with your Facebook details.

When the Enable notifications pop up appears select yes to make sure you get notified of posts etc relating to your account. (Note this does not appear on all phones)

Add the link to your homepage on your phone and a nice icon will appear for quick access to the site on your smartphone.

That’s it. Nothing is shared with any 3rd party now or ever. This is not Facebook. The site is to build a community for archers worldwide to connect, share, learn and enjoy.

Come and Join us at ArchersApp

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